Due to limited staff we will not be able to respond to all email questions at this time.
To Donate artifacts
If you have photos, documents, letters, artifacts or other Viking items you would like to donate to this collection please send a brief description and image if possible and include “Artifact for Donation”. If your material is accepted into the collection you will recieve acknowledgment for your donation unless you prefer to do so anonymously.
- Materials we are considering are originals or documents
- Video or audio materials of Viking Team members
- Original or digital photographs of Viking Team Members
- Other Viking documents including press materials, memos, correspondance, diagrams, reports (published or unpublished), other materials may be considered
All materials must include subject matter and names of creators and or individuals to be cited or named as subjects.
For Educators
Please let us know if you are interested in a specific subject area surrounding the Mission or its Science Team subject areas. Include your name and contact information including email, name, address, skype. We will do our best to respond. These inquiries will become an increased focus as we near completion of Phase I though they are the fundamental driver for this project.
We thank all Educators for your service to our local and world communities.
~ The Education and Preservation Team